Miss Baines - Reception (EYFS): Blog items
Tiny Tigers, by Mrs Yarwood
Buddy Time, by Mrs Yarwood
Our First Golden Time, by Mrs Yarwood
Roald Dahl Day 2016, by Mrs Yarwood
Reception class of 16- First day, by Mrs Yarwood
Sports Presentation 2016, by Mrs Yarwood
Class Trip to Trentham Gardens: The Barefoot Walk!!, by Mrs Yarwood
Supertato!, by Mrs Yarwood
Spring Watch, by Mrs Yarwood
World Book Day 2016, by Mrs Yarwood
Terrific Transport, by Mrs Yarwood
Bird Spotting Fun, by Mrs Yarwood
The Naught Bus Strikes Again!, by Mrs Yarwood
Kung Hei Fat Choi!, by Mrs Yarwood
The Naughty Bus!, by Mrs Yarwood
Tim Peake Spacewalk, by Mrs Yarwood
Terrific Transport, by Mrs Yarwood
Happy New Year!, by Mrs Yarwood
The Green Cross Code, by Mrs Yarwood
EYFS Nativity, by Mrs Yarwood
Spectacular Space Week, by Mrs Yarwood
There's a burglar on the loose!, by Mrs Yarwood
EYFS Reception Parents Meeting, by Mrs Yarwood
Purple Mash, by Mrs Yarwood
Balance Bikes!, by Mrs Yarwood