Extra-Curricular Clubs
At Scholar Green we endeavour to develop strengths in all areas. We pride ourselves on the wide range of clubs that we offer to our pupils each term. Our extra curricular activities enable children to learn new skills, improve existing skills and have the opportunity to mix socially with different children. We regularly change clubs to ensure many different interests are catered for.
Examples of the types of clubs that we offer
Mindfulness, Yoga (KS1&2), Multiplication Club, Dodgeball (KS1 & 2), Basketball, Chess, Choir, Active Citizen, First Aid, Football (KS1&2), Tag Rugby, Trumpets, Clarinets, Food Awareness, News Club, Tri-Golf & Times Table Rock Stars, Stoke City football training, Cheshire Cricket Club.
Pupils are also able to participate in a range of physical activities during lunchtime organised by our physcial education teacher. The aim is that every child has participated in an extra-curricular physical activity club by the end of the adademic year.
Please look out for our new clubs letter. If you are interested in your child attending any of our clubs, please speak to Miss Cope in the school office.