Remote Education

Scholar Green Primary School Remote Learning Plan

All our children have returned to full-time education in September 2020 following the Covid school closure. We hope that the majority of our children will have an uninterrupted experience. However, there is the possibility that individual children, a class bubble, or the whole school, will need to self-isolate or there will be a local lockdown, either locally or nationally, for a period of time. Therefore, the school has put in place a plan for remote learning so that all children can continue with their education. This meets the expectations set out in the DfE guidance ‘Remote Education Support’.

All of our children have a Microsoft Teams account. This allows them to have contact with the teacher, either via email, teams chat or recorded videos. It is important that all children, and parents, know how to access this account and children will have taught sessions on this within school.

All our children have a Purple Mash account. This allows them to have access work set, through ‘2-Do’ activities, maintain contact with class teachers and other staff through e-mail. It is important all children, and parents, know how to access this Purple Mash account.

The Early Years have access to their Tapestry on-line learning journey. This is the predominate tool to provide on-line learning for any pupils isolating. Activity suggestions to complete at home will be uploaded for parents to access and provide support for learning at home. This will work as a two-way form of communication as parents can also upload any evidence they wish to share with school. Early Years practitioners can then comment upon this as well as setting next steps or offering further support and ideas.

If a child does not have access to a computer/laptop and/or the internet, the school will do all it can to support children and will provide paper packs of learning. It is important parents and carers make the school aware of any barriers to accessing remote learning.

What will happen if individual children have to isolate?

There be maybe times when a child has come into contact with a positive case from outside of school and will need to isolate. If this should occur, the class teacher will make contact via email to outline the plans for the rest of the week. The classwork that is being completed during school time will be sent to the child to complete at home. We recognise that it may be a family member that is unwell and circumstance could be challenging, but we ask that children should at least complete reading and TTRS as a daily activity. Staff members will ask families of their circumstances to ensure the correct level of work is set.

What will happen if were to enter a national full lockdown/ local lockdown situation again?

The school would run in a similar way to how it did during the spring and summer terms of 2020, dependent on the guidance issued to us from the Government and the Local Authority. Class teachers will plan for remote learning for their class and senior members of staff will be responsible for the operation of the school.

 Initial Two-Day Plan

An initial plan for the first two days of remote learning will be published on the website page. This two day plan will allow staff time to plan remote learning for children in line with the class’s current curriculum learning. It will provide learning across the curriculum and children will be expected to spend a similar amount of time completing this as they would spend learning in school.

The Two Day Plan will include:

  • Maths: children select the year group they are in and one of the topics available. They then select a lesson to complete.
  • Maths: Times Tables Rock Stars
  • Reading: Accelerated Reader
  • Reading: Children to read from their own reading book or download and read a free e-book from
  • Writing: Children select the year group they are in and then the topic they are learning in the classroom. They then select a lesson to complete.
  • Spelling (Y2-Y6): Practice their spelling words using different strategies learnt in class.
  • Phonics (YR and Y1): select games to play.
  • Curriculum Pack covering different areas of the curriculum- these will be on your child’s class page on the school website.
  • PE: circuit cards (on website to view)

Remote Class Learning

After the first two days, the class teacher will have planned learning activities that will enable the child/children to continue the learning journeys they had started in the classroom. This remote learning will be posted on Teams and email where a range of activities will be set. Should a lockdown be put into place again, each day will begin with opportunity for children to join a class teams meeting where they will receive further information about the day. Class teachers will also use email as a predominant way to stay in regular contact with children and their families. Key websites we may use for remote learning are; BBC Bitesize, BBC Teach, Oak National Academy, White Rose Maths and TTRockstars. It is expected a child will follow the school timetable. If it is the class teacher who is unwell, there may be some differences with this provision. The daily timetable will include:

  • Maths
  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Spelling/Phonics
  • Curriculum Lessons
  • Story Time- children may be invited to join the class story via a Teams meeting at the end of each school day.
  • Daily Reading- AR Reader will be open to allow children to quiz on their reading books. Children will be sent home with enough books to keep them going through their isolation period.


It is important that children receive feedback in order to know that they are progressing the right direction. It is also very useful for teachers to see children’s work so that they know what to set next. Feedback can be achieved in a variety of ways, and the class teacher will suggest which way is most suitable dependent on the type of work. In individual cases, where online feedback is not possible, the class teacher will discuss with the parent appropriate ways of communicating.  Feedback cannot be given if there is no evidence to

Ways of achieving feedback:

  • Take a photo of the piece of work and email to teacher/upload on Teams
  • Complete an electronic piece of work and email to teacher/upload on Teams.
  • Teachers speaking to pupils via Teams/ telephone consultation


Activities will be set through our on-line learning journey, Tapestry. Through Tapestry, parents can upload pictorial, text, audio and video evidence of children’s achievements. EYFS staff will be able to give feedback and suggest next steps through on these observations. The evidence received will be entered towards to children’s profiles. Where children have worked on paper based activities, photos of these can be taken and uploaded to Tapestry to gain feedback.  Class teachers will set several activities for the days ahead which will cover a range of areas of learning.


If a child has SEND and has specific learning interventions and support, we will aim to continue this provision in an adapted form online if appropriate.

Parental Expectations

We ask that parents support their children in accessing the home learning that is provided for them. We recognise that learning from home can be a challenge, particularly if parents are still trying to work themselves. This plan has been devised after parental views were sought through a questionnaire. We ask that children should at least complete the minimum expectations of reading, TTRS/ daily counting, handwriting, and a Literacy and maths activity from a workbook provided.


This plan will be reviewed each time there is an isolation period for a class bubble, to ensure that it is reflective of the quality practice our teachers can share. We want to make sure that it is manageable for all stakeholders, which has the best impact for our learners and their families.

Please find below copies of our Remote Education procedures and guidelines. These documents have been designed by us, to provide clarity for pupils, parents and carers about what to expect from Remote Education at Scholar Green where national or local restrictions require entire cohorts or bubbles to remain at home.

Files to Download

Eco Schools Green Flag Award Holder
Primary Science Quality Mark Guilt 2021-2024
School Games Platinum Award 2023-24-2024-25
Primary Geography Quality Mark Silver 20222-2025