School Uniform and Kit List

Uniform and Kit List for Reception Class

Here is a detailed list of the uniform children can wear to school. All of our uniform can be purchased from the website (see link below). There is a vast choice of what you can purchase from here, not everything is essential, but there are some desirable items. For other items such as school trousers, skirts, pinafores, white polo shirts etc. can be supplemented by supermarket brands.

Please ensure all uniform is named, even socks and underwear, as no one ever wants to claim the odd sock left after getting changed for PE!

Another tip, for school book bags and PE kit bags, putting a key ring on them helps them to find their bags quickly and easily.

You may want to supply some extra school clothes and underwear in their PE bag should they need changing for any reason. Changes in routines can sometimes upset toileting habits and there is also lots of messy play available indoors and outdoors.

A forest school kits: wellington boots, over trousers and waterproof coats are essential in the Early Years. We have an outdoor area which we use in all weathers, as well as a forest school. Equally, during the sunnier days a sunhat and sun cream is essential.

PE kits and forest school kits are to stay in school at all times. They will be sent home at the end of each half term for a wash.

Essential School uniform

Grey Pinafore Dress/Skirt/Trousers/ Shorts


Green Striped or Checked Dresses

(Optional for the summer)


P.E. Kit (Boys and Girls)

Green T-Shirt with logo

Black Shorts

Sturdy, supportive trainers


Forest School Kit

Wellington Boots

Waterproof Coat

Over Trousers


Desired Extras

Book Bags

P.E. Kit Bags


Optional Extras

The following items with the Logo on them are also available from the School’s uniform website:


Zip fleeces

Grey pinafore dresses


Winter hats

Tracksuits (for P.E)


School jumper

Please ensure these are labelled with their names.


School cardigan

Please ensure these are labelled with their names.


School polo shirt

The children will have access to paints, mud kitchens, water play etc. therefore they will get dirty. It may be useful to top up the uniform with the supermarket equivalent too.


School Book Bag

These are a really valuable item. We use these to ensure we get all information such as letters etc. to you. The children will also have reading packs, words packs and home learning packs to keep in them.


PE Bags

These are great for keeping PE kits and any spare clothes in. These fit nicely on our pegs in our cloakroom. We struggle if children have large bags to store.  


Peaked Sun Hat

These are fantastic in the summer. We spend a lot of time outside so these are essential on sunny days alongside sun cream (which is labelled).


PE T-Shirt

This is part of our essential uniform.


PE Shorts

Equivalent can be purchased from the supermarkets. They are the black football type short.  


Waterproof Coat

It doesn’t have to be a school one, but a waterproof coat is essential every day. We go outside come rain or shine. Please ensure it is labelled. A small key ring on the zip allows children to quickly workout which is theirs.

Eco Schools Green Flag Award Holder
Primary Science Quality Mark Guilt 2021-2024
School Games Platinum Award 2023-24-2024-25
Primary Geography Quality Mark Silver 20222-2025