Roald Dahl Day 2016

Date: 13th Sep 2016 @ 9:32pm

Well, we have had fun today! 

We have celebrated Roald Dahl day, but this year was slightly different aswe were celebrating 100 years of Roald Dahl! 

We all came in dressed as one of our favourite Roald Dahl characters. Some of us chose characters from Charlie and the Chocolate factory, others were Matilda or Sophie from the BFG, there was an enormous crocodile, fantastic foxes, marvellous George's to name but a few... it was amazing how many different characters we actually chose!

We all had a bit of shock when the classroom door was Mrs Twit opened the door! She was so ugly! Luckily, it turned out that it was only Mrs Yarwood dressed up and pretending to be Mrs Twit! Lots of us enjoyed watching a video about the disgusting couple, Mr and Mrs Twit, and the awful tricks they played on each other. 

If you'd like to watch it click on the link below

We also enjoyed listening to the story 'The Giraffe, the Pelly and Me' about a young boy called Billy who meets a group of animals who set up 'the ladderless window cleaning company'. We enjoyed meeting the different characters.

We have done lots of fun activities today, including recording what we came dressed in, drawing what Mr Twit might have hidden in his beard and taking part in a special assembly with the whole school.

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