Bird Spotting Fun
Date: 8th Feb 2016 @ 7:06pm
This year we have taken part in the Big Garden Bird Watch organised by the RSPB. We have learnt all about our British garden birds, what they look like, sound like and how we can recognise them. As we were so keen on looking out for the birds we set up bird feeding stations in our outside area, and set up a bird hide in our classroom (we did have one outside but the wind blew it away!) On Friday, we had a special quest to find all of the birds within school- we all managed to spot them all (luckily they were prints of birds rather than real birds so they didn't fly off).
The following Monday we held a bird off in our assembly. We had to identify as many of the birds as we can. Our class did so well- Mrs Yarwood was incredibly proud of us!
We were so interested about bird spotting we even had a go at recording what we saw in our Literacy books.Our writing was fantastic!