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Please use this page to download our paperwork required once your child starts at our school. If your child has attended our Nursery, you will not need to complete these as you will have already done so.

You can download these, sign them and send them back to school, or alternatively, you can keep them until such time you come in to our school.

Packs will also be available from school during the induction period (TBA).


Forms to complete:



All about me

We will use this to give us an idea of your child’s likes and dislikes. We will use to plan initial activities based around children’s shared interests.

Chatterbox Challenge

This is an activity to complete over the summer holidays. It is used as an icebreaker once back in school.

Data collection sheet

This gives us the necessary contact details and information.

Ethnic Background record

To be recorded if you wish.

Forest School

Permission to enter our Forest School area.

Internet Access for pupils

Allows pupils to use the internet safely in their everyday learning.

Parent email for Learning book

Learning Book is a system we use to compile a EYFS profile of your child’s learning. You will be provided with a log in to upload your own observations of your child at home.

Permission for Intimate care

Permission for changing children should they have an accident, applying sun cream etc.

Using images of children

Permission for your child to feature either on Facebook, website and in the media (e.g. local newspapers)etc.

Files to Download

Eco Schools Green Flag Award Holder
Primary Science Quality Mark Guilt 2021-2024
School Games Platinum Award 2023-24-2024-25
Primary Geography Quality Mark Silver 20222-2025