Reception's first blog post!

Date: 14th Jan 2020 @ 9:19pm

WOW! The first two weeks of the spring term have been super busy!

In maths, we have been learning all about 2D and 3D shapes. We explored the shapes in our environment and were surprised at just how many shapes are all around us. Our favourite activity was building shape models with the ‘Mobilo’ in our construction area – we even made our own name labels for them! Once we had finished, we talked about our models and the shapes that we had used to make them. At the end of the week, we danced to a song and did lots of big movements to make the shapes with our arms in the air. We really enjoyed this and it helped us to remember our new learning for the week.

We have also started to practise our cursive handwriting. Miss Rigby has been showing us how to form our letters on a big whiteboard at the front of the classroom. We have then been practising them ourselves on our own whiteboards! As you can see, we are very proud of our work!

In RE we have listened to the ‘Creation Story’. We discussed how we thought the word began, and how Christians believe it was created by God. After we had listened to the story, we made our own drawings showing our favourite day of creation – we also had to tell Miss Rigby why it was our favourite day. We came up with lots of ideas!

And finally… we had an AMAZING time during our family science workshop! We went on a hunt around our classroom (inside and outside) to find lots of objects, including things that were different colours and textures. This helped us to think about the world around us, and allowed us to share our own thoughts. This sparked lots of discussions!

We hope you have enjoyed reading our first blog! Blog posts will now be added to the school website every Friday.

Reception Class

Eco Schools Green Flag Award Holder
Primary Science Quality Mark Guilt 2021-2024
School Games Platinum Award 2023-24-2024-25
Primary Geography Quality Mark Silver 20222-2025