Nursery First Week 2017-18
Date: 7th Sep 2017 @ 7:05pm
Nursery First Week
What a super start to the year! We have settled in amazingly and have had lots of fun meeting our new teachers and making new friends. We have shared our chatterboxes with our key worker groups and talked about all of the super things we did over the Summer. We have remembered where our pegs are and where we put our lunchboxes and our book bags.
We have had lots of fun exploring the indoor and outdoor environment and have adapted well to new routines such as, lunch times and snack and chat. Miss Mogford was really impressed with how well we lined up to go to the hall for our lunch.
We are looking forward to taking part in our Tiddly Boppers & Tiny Tigers sessions next week and we are really excited to see what activities have been planned for us next week.
Well done Nursery!