The Big Draw 2016

Date: 5th Oct 2016 @ 5:55pm

Monday 3rd October 2016

Established in 2000, arts education charity The Big Draw is the creator and driving force behind the world's biggest drawing festival, The Big Draw.

The Big Draw festval is for anyone who loves to draw, as well as those who think they can't!

The STEAM Powered Big Draw Festival  | #STEAMBDF2016

This year's theme is all about bringing together Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths. STEAM fuses creative innovation, enterprise, digital technologies and the arts.

Artistic and creative thinking is essential to industries across the world.  Look around you. The chair you're sitting in, the computer you're using to read this and the building you're in, all began life as a drawing. Drawing is a universal language that helps to reshape our world.

This year, all pupils throughout school were involved in The Big Draw Festival on Monday 3rd October 2016. We focused on engineering and how cogs and gears help to make things move. All children thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon and please check back later to see an unveiling of a huge piece of artwork that every child in the school contributed to!

Eco Schools Green Flag Award Holder
Primary Science Quality Mark Guilt 2021-2024
School Games Platinum Award 2023-24-2024-25
Primary Geography Quality Mark Silver 20222-2025