Maths Makes Sense!
Date: 13th Jan 2015 @ 9:30pm
This week we have been getting used to our Maths Makes Sense actions. We have learnt that there is a
Resource Table- where Mrs Yarwood keep all of her maths resoucres like cups (yes, cups!) and number cards. Cup man and the cups help us to count. We have to move the cups to the Maths table. 'Get ready to get some more' (we have to wriggle our fingers at the resource table) to add more cups to the maths table.
We have done some guided practice, where Mrs Yarwood works with us in small groups. She puts into pairs and we have our own resource table and maths table- and our own little cups! Today we have swapped our cups for pennies (they have the 'same value but different appearance'. The children will tell you all about it.
Not only have been doing lots of number work, we have been able to fit in some phonics work. We were dokey's on the carpet, fappling our ears as we learnt the sounds 'ee-or'. Today we have been focusing on the sound 'ee'. We were fantastic at reading words like; see, tree, bee, keep, creep and sweep. Have a practice at home.